Wednesday, November 3, 2010

August 2010

We gathered for the August meeting on the 18th of the month.

The first subject of discussion was the Jacob's Well 'framing party'. Jay is gathering more information and will report back once a date is established.

The group voted to donate funds to the 'City Fest' event to help provide 'back to school' backpacks to families in need.

The recent Lynnwood apartment fire was also discussed. This fire left 70 to 80 people homeless. Trinity Lutheran Church in Lynnwood is providing emergency shelter for the fire victims. It was decided to donate funds to the church to help defray the cost of housing the fire victims and to help support any of the emergency shelter's future needs.

The group also discussed doing another Thanksgiving food basket effort this year. Everyone agreed this was a good effort last year and was worth repeating. We will research the cost of the effort and also research potential recipients.

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